Workplace first aid

Legal background of workplace first aid

The basic goal of first aid is to save the life of the injured person and prevent further health damage. Helping people who have suffered an accident or injury is one of the most expected human actions, and it is also our civic/legal obligation. It is no different in the case of workplaces.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act states that “In the workplace - in accordance with its nature, location, sources of danger, the number of employees, effects from work and the working environment and health-damaging pathological factors, as well as the organization of work - the material, personal and organizational conditions for providing first aid at the workplace must be ensured.

About the minimum level of occupational health and safety requirements for workplaces solo 3/2002 SzCsM-EüM joint ordert states that “In every workplace and shift the from the dangers of activity and work processes, respectively first aid equipment designed depending on the number of employees there or rescue box and the presence of a trained first aid person among the employees must be ensured.”

How many primary first aiders are required for workplaces?

There is currently no precise all-encompassing regulation in this regard. The previous legislation has been repealed and can therefore only be used as a guideline.

When determining the number of designated first aiders, the nature of the given workplace and the total number of employees must be taken into account.

Based on previous domestic guidelines, the minimum number of designated first aiders must be determined as follows

  • 1 person in case of employment of 6-50 employees
  • 2 people in case of employment of 51-100 employees
  • In case of employment of 101-200 employees, 3 people
  • 4 people in case of employment of 201-400 employees
  • above 5 people.

So, every workplace and shift must have a designated first aid person. When determining their number, in addition to the above, possible illnesses and vacations must be taken into account.

Does the driver's license entitle you to first aid at work?

The answer is no. The announcement issued by the National Occupational Safety and Labor Inspectorate explains as follows. "The medical exam is only a condition for issuing a driver's license, it does not in itself mean first aid training. The subject of the exam is the narrowed field of road first aid. The first aid knowledge required for a driver's license is acquired by future drivers in a group and in a very small number of hours."

How often do you need it? on training should the designated first aiders participate?

THE training during the course, the designated employees acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge of first aid, which are necessary for professional and effective treatment or even resuscitation in the event of accidents or injuries. In order for their knowledge to be adequate and to be able to use it in practice, it is recommended to provide further training to designated employees annually.

What kind of first aid equipment should you have in the workplace?

Currently it is First aid boxes complying with the MSZ 13553 standard must be provided, according to the number of employees.

  • "I" type rescue chest for up to 30 people;
  • Type "II" rescue chest for 31-50 people;
  • "III" type rescue chest up to 51-100 people;
  • "IV" type rescue chest up to 101-200 people;

In addition, taking into account the specifics of the workplace, additional equipment necessary for first aid, such as eyewash liquid, must be purchased.

Are defibrillators mandatory in the workplace?

Legislation does not require a defibrillator to be kept ready at workplaces. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that among the Hungarian population, sudden cardiac arrest ranks first in the death statistics. Since the defibrillator cannot be replaced by another device, it is recommended to purchase it, especially where there is a large proportion of employees over the age of 50, the number of employees exceeds fifty or the work process justifies it.

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