Accident at work during remote work

The Occupational Safety and Health Act considers those accidents work accidents that occur during or in connection with work. When concluding the agreement on teleworking, the parties determine which work activities and workplaces the teleworking covers. 

Accident at work

It is advisable to define the work activity and the workplace in such a way that it can be clearly identified. If the employee's activities the marked 2-4 m2finishes in place, the accident that happens to him in this work area is considered an accident, which occurs during work, like this is considered a work accident. 

Which is not considered a work accident

However, it is not considered a work accident if the employee leaves the workplace, i.e. goes to the kitchen, bathroom or garden, and has an accident there. Because while the employer is responsible for "work-related" activities according to Section 87 (3) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the employer is responsible for the services provided by the employer. In the case of telecommuting, the situation is reversed, because in this case the employer has no influence on how the employee has designed the rooms and garden of his apartment. In other words, assuming that the employee leaves the work area defined in the contract, even to go to the bathroom, and an accident occurs (e.g.: sprained leg), it is no longer considered a work accident. Therefore, this falls under the responsibility of the employee. 

Work accident and work equipment

On the other hand, it should be pointed out that if a work accident occurs during the use of a work tool, then the affected work tool must be inspected by the employer as a matter of course, based on Section 23 (2) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

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