Differences between personal protective equipment and work clothes

What is the difference between personal protective equipment and work clothes? Is there any difference between personal protective equipment and work clothes?

The answer, Yes there is.

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The personal protective equipment, which provides protection against physical, chemical and biological harmful effects that endanger the employee's health and physical integrity during work. They have a protection capability defined by standards and norms.

THE work clothes protects the employee's own clothing from the increased seasonal income and contamination resulting from the activity, or replaces it.

Does not qualify as personal protective equipment:

  • ordinary work clothes and those uniforms or uniforms that were not designed or tested to protect the safety and health of the employee;
  • equipment used by ambulance services performing rescue and patient transport;
  • protective equipment worn or used by the Hungarian Defense Forces and law enforcement agencies, as well as the Parliamentary Guard (e.g. body shield, helmet, bulletproof vest);
  • protective devices and protective equipment used on road vehicles (e.g. crash helmets, body protectors, seat belts);
  • sports equipment and sports equipment (e.g. running shoes, spot socks);
  • equipment and tools for self-defense or deterrence (gas spray, rubber baton, firearm);
  • portable devices for detecting and indicating dangers and damages (methane gas meter, CO meter).

The table below is between protective clothing and work clothing fundamental differences summarizes:

 protective clothing(personal protective equipment)work clothes
What is its purpose?It provides protection for employees against any workplace harm or danger.Its protective function is not typical, it protects the employee's own clothing from wear and tear.
Is it mandatory to provide?Yes, if it is not possible to protect the employee in other ways (preventive technical or organizational measures). Its allowance is prescribed by law. The employer must specify it in writing. The need for personal protective equipment and its level of protection must be determined by risk assessment.[Mvt. Section 54; Section 56; 65/1999. (XII. 22.)EüM Decree § 5]It is not mandatory, its benefits are usually provided according to internal regulations and collective agreements.
Eligibility for assessmentobliged?Yes, depending on the category, you must have conformity assessment documents, for example: - EC declaration of conformity or EU declaration of conformity, CE marking - EC type certificate or EU type examination certificate - information sheet, etc.[Mvt. Section 18, paragraph (4); 2016/425/EUdecree 18-19 article]Conformity assessment is not required.
Who should pay andwhose propertydoes it train?The employer is obliged to provide personal protective equipment for employees free of charge, but it remains the property of the employer.[Mvt. Section 2, paragraph (2); 65/1999. (XII.22.) Section 4 (5) of the EüM Decree]It is usually paid according to internal regulations and collective agreements. Cost sharing is also possible and can be transferred to the employee.
When do you have to?to assure?If the risk exists, the employer must provide it immediately (during the trial period).[Mvt. § 42 point b); 65/1999. (XII. 22.)EüM decree § 3 (1)]It is usually paid according to internal regulations and collective agreements. It can also be given during a trial period.
Is it mandatory to wear it?Intended use, must be worn.[Mvt. § 42 point b); 65/1999. (XII. 22.)Section 8 (1) of the EüM Decree]The details regarding its wearing and use are usually recorded by internal regulations and collective agreements.
What happens if it isno, despite the regulationdo they wearIts use and wearing must be checked, failure to wear it can be sanctioned.[Mvt. Section 2, paragraph (2); Section 82 (2)paragraph point e); 82/D. § (1) paragraph a)point]The details regarding its wearing and use are usually recorded by internal regulations and collective agreements.
Can you refuse to work?In connection with its use or wearing, work may be refused or prohibited, e.g. if the protective clothing cannot fulfill its protective function.[Mvt. Section 60 (1) point b), Section 63Paragraphs (1)-(2)]The details regarding its wearing and use are usually recorded by internal regulations and collective agreements.
It is necessary to wear itundergo a medical examinationbuy?Its use may be related to a medical examination, occupational, personal, or personal hygiene suitability aspect.[65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM Decree § 4paragraph (3); 65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM§ 5 (2) point d) of the decree]Its use does not require a medical examination.
It is necessary to wear itparticipate in education?Its use requires training and practice.[65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM Decree § 4(6)]Its use does not require training.
How long can it be worn?It can be used until it loses its protective ability (it has no wear-off time).[65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM Decree § 4Paragraphs (4)-(5)]There is a waiting period, which is usually set by internal regulations and collective agreements. After the wear-out period, the work clothes become the property of the employee.
Who should take care of thewashing, cleaning?The employer is obliged to take care of its washing, cleaning, maintenance and storage.[65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM Decree § 4(5)]The details of washing and cleaning are usually laid down in internal regulations and collective agreements.
Can it be taken away from the workplace?It cannot be taken from the workplace without a separate permit. The employer may permit it if the location of the work changes and he cannot otherwise provide the protective clothing, and if this does not conflict with public health regulations.[65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM Decree § 8(2)]The details are usually fixed by internal regulations and collective agreements.
It's worn outclothing is dangerousis it considered waste?Depending on its protective capacity and contamination, it may be classified as hazardous waste.[65/1999. (XII. 22.) EüM Decree § 7]If a separate law provides, it can be classified as hazardous waste.
It needs to be topped up from time to timeinvestigate?Depending on the protection capability (in the case of category 3), its periodic review may be mandatory. Detailed information on this can be found in the personal protective equipment leaflet.Its use is usually not subject to any review.

Requirements for the selection and provision of personal protective equipment

It is the employer's legal obligation to record the personal protective equipment benefits in writing. The benefit plan must be based on the applicable legislation and standards. On this performance of this task is considered occupational safety and occupational health.

In the case of dangerous work processes and technologies, in order to prevent hazards and reduce their harmful effects, a personal protective equipment that provides protection against sources of danger must be defined, with those employees must be provided employees for their intended use must be trained and personal protective equipment its intended use must be demanded.

THE the employer is obliged to ensure the intended use, protective capacity, satisfactory hygienic condition, necessary cleaning, maintenance, repair and replacement of the protective equipment.

The employee must wear personal protective equipment according to its purpose use and what is expected of him take care of its cleaning.

Authority inspections

The inspection of the occupational health and safety authority covers the personal protective equipment allowance, on the use of personal protective equipment by employees, on the adequacy and protective capacity of the personal protective equipment. Rules related to personal protective equipment may result in occupational health and safety fines.

Source: http://www.ommf.gov.hu

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